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Side Characters

Symp(athetic Manager)

Okay, let's be honest. C-suite, for all of their... uhhh... strengths... don't really have """it""" together. It being bookkeeping. Taxes. Legal obligations. CFO does have his proclivities, but given it's only once every few weeks that he's lucid enough to sit at a desk without pacing the room frantically, somebody's gotta do the grunt work. And somebody is Symp. Sympathetic Manager is a spineless dweeb whose sympathy is directed at basically everyone below C-suite. He constantly apologizes for their behavior and cleans up their messes, all while getting paid not a lot of money and babysitting them frequently after hours. It might be tempting to call him an enabler or some other name, but let's be honest. It's 4 and a shitload of drugs against 1, and C-suite only really respects anyone for a few phrases at a time.

Bus Guy

What came first, Bus Guy or those cringe anime moments where both characters stutter over each other for 4,984 minutes and can't get out a single fucking sentence? Well, chicken and the egg here, but luckily it's just with Protag and instead of being head over heels + socially inept, the reason for it is a bit more nuanced and unrelated. Perhaps you'll enjoy the fresh take; I'll allow you to read. ;^)

Besides this quirk there really is more to Bus Guy. He works at a similar establishment and gives a set of glimpses into what life is like outside the factory, outside Protag's little bubble, and not on the hellscape that is the internet of the Near Future™. He's also far more rational and pragmatic than he first appears, but must be pressed a bit to get that way.

Richard (Dick)

Dick does not like to be called Dick. Dick wants to be called Richard. However he's also a bit spineless, far more so than Symp, and he also cries easily. Dick is the epitome of "could quit any time". There's nothing keeping him there, he's considered more than expendable by C-suite, and really just the butt of jokes. He's not given critical tasks (and in fact is mostly just given busywork because, despite his genuine competence, nobody actually trusts him to do real work). He's frequently intentionally bumped off of payroll because C-suite likes taking bets on how long before he'll say something this time. More sane members of the company will try getting him to quit, offer rec letters, show him open positions, anything they can, but he just will say it's fine, sniffle, and go back to his fake work. Poor Dick. :/

Super (Jan)itor

It takes a special kind of person to actually succeed at some minimum wage jobs. Some assignments are understaffed, don't have the tools necessary, have shitty coworkers, are overloaded with customers... Corporate America has done a great job stomping certain workers down. And that's why we need... SUPER JAN! Jan is tasked with the impossible: keeping the floors clean, dry, and OSHA Approved in a factory whose floor is constantly doused with buckets of lube. He creates new machines, makes bonds in the community, and uses his superpowers to keep things in tip-top shape. And when he's not able to fulfill his responsibilities, it's because... Uhm... The Graviotitratic Field of the Universe was off that day and didn't give him the strength necessary. But don't worry, in the next episode (workday), his powers will be back, and that pesky lube will get wiped off the face of the... FLOOR!!! Also, Tryhard kind of hates him because he blatantly violates OSHA and doesn't seem to know it.