Content Warning


These are on an evolving basis. I've been around the block but may forget some things. This is what I came up with before I got tired of thinking about it. Probs will give you a good idea of the tone though 👍👍👍

This comic will NEVER contain even a discussion of:
  • rape

  • incest

  • sexual assault

  • a character feeling sexually violated (see harassment and bullying below)

  • targeted, sinister slurs

  • drawn out, realistic gore or sinister violence

  • nonconsensual sexual contact with anything living and breathing, sentient or not

  • graphic or non-comical death

  • drug overdose (besides scientific warnings below the comic of what would happen if you ACTUALLY did as much coke as c-suite does every 15 minutes. you will probably learn a lot about drugs from this comic)

This comic WILL NOT contain:
  • porn. this is not a porn comic. the "porny" explicit content blows past sexy, and then past absurd. there is a reason the protagonist is the way she is.

  • fanservice. sorry guys. yes, some people have sex. it's even part of the story. but i'm not making this comic to be porn. fanservice + highly explicit sexual content = porn

  • of note, i also draw, animate, and write porn. probably not a surprise. but it's not in this comic

This comic WILL contain:
  • love and "real" sexual relationships explored artfully

  • consensual sexual contact unrelated to love

  • sexually explicit content

  • no, like, seriously, really fucking explicit.

  • blatant and dangerous abuse of hard and non-hard drugs (excluding opiates and similar) as well as alcohol. c-suite is on coke 100% of the time. again, there will never be an overdose or life on the line kind of scene

  • safe or safe-ish use of various drugs and alcohol.

  • harassment and bullying. this comic is extremely explicit, so there may be some overlap with sexual themes and content. nobody is made to feel sexually violated or attacked sexually.

    • an example: pouring a bucket of lube on someone (sexual theme or content) and they feel very inconvenienced, pissed, or hurt by being coated in a cursed substance against their will (harassed or bullied), but are not hurt by the fact that lube itself is used in a sexual context

    • this stuff is never condoned by the author, generally these characters partaking in bullying are made to be insufferable, or are pushed over a line

  • sexual themes, actions, and content certain characters really fucking wish they were not exposed to, but ultimately they could avoid at no real penalty. these things:

    • happen "around" the character (character has to be in the same room as someone doing something sexual to themselves or other consenting characters, but either does not address the character directly or does not seriously pressure the character to join)

    • never "corner" a character in a power differential (executives quid-pro-quo-ing subordinates, 3 people pressuring 1, 1 person intimidating and pressuring another, etc)

    • ex: coworkers are being insufferable by loudly and wayyyyyy too consensually having sex in the break room during a lunch break, character is just trying to microwave their fucking single serve pizza in peace...

  • non-sinister offensive terminology (eg. whore, slut, cuck, etc.) It may be used passively or actively about themselves or others neutrally or as compliments, without the intention of tearing someone down nonconsensually

  • related to prior point, healthy BDSM themes and action with explicit negotiated boundaries and best practices, which may include consensual degradation. 50 shades of gray blows (in the bad way).

    • spontaneous, consensual, informally-negotiated BDSM scenes may occur, but it's always discussed by characters after, even if not pictured in the comic, though likely it will be
  • cartoon violence and absurd, cartoonish deaths of insufferable characters for the sake of comedy

  • meta, non-canon comics containing characters from the comic- fanservice. sorry guys. yes, some people have sex. it's even part of the story. but i'm not making this comic to be porn. fanservice + highly explicit sexual content = porn

  • of note, i also draw, animate, and write porn. probably not a surprise. but it's not in this comic