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Setting and Intro Blurb

Generally, Cumic Sans follows Protag(onist) thru her life at a dead end, minimum wage factory job in a shitty part of USA in "the near future". The exec team (C-Suite, made up of the CEO, CFO, CTO, and CSO) just cannot stop with all the cocaine and terrible business decisions. Her coworkers are, in general, ridiculously sexual, insufferable, or both and more (tho their qualities may be redeeming, which is ultimately for the reader to decide). The generally regular coworkers are just trying to get thru the day, and end up putting out fires they did not start. Altogether, there is a constant stream of chaos in the factory. However, the day does end, Protag does go home, and often Love Interest will come with her. It's an abrupt reprieve from work, and a much more laid back setting to learn about Protag, as well as the outside world (in the form of doomscrolling on her phone).

A bit more detail

So yes, Cumic Sans, a tale for the ages. At first glance you may see a porn comic, but a more accurate descriptor would be if you looked at 1000 people's days, overlaid all of them on top of each other, and removed everything boring.

In fact, removed everything not-explicit, everything sane, then re-added what makes for good juxtaposition (in this comic: two or more things that, when placed beside each other, speak more by their contrast than either of them alone).

Now, place the setting in, vaguely, "the near future", where:

  • capitalism has continued to create a gradual decline
  • technology has progressed mostly in an annoying way
    • (I am a scientist and in multiple tech and science fields, so I can see the future)
  • society's lack of acceptance of others has continued to erode (for the better! usually)
  • and the combination of these things has made the general public worry less about things that, in all honesty, don't matter all that much in the long run.

There, you have Cumic Sans.

About names.

Names are boring. I don't know about you, but I can't remember names in media for shit. And neither can others, at least not well. You've had, or heard, the conversation a million times: "Oh, wasn't John the funniest character in Silly Goofy Comedy: Citrus Extravaganza!!!???" "Wait, which one was John again??? Was he the one who wouldn't stop slipping and falling on whole limes in a hilarious, original, and thematically appropriate subversion of the slipping and falling on a banana peel trope???" "YES!!! He's The Lime Guy!!!"


So, here, everyone has a nickname assigned by their coworkers, and that's what they're referred to as. Can they grow out of it? Maybe. But they'd better make a big change for us to find it worth it.

Too real

Anyway. Cumic Sans is based heavily on my life experiences, and boy have I lived a life. If you're finding yourself wondering how realistic something is, likely you'd be grievously pained to hear the event it was inspired by, and would much prefer the fiction over the fact.

And on the note of "inspiration", I have near OCD about not using others' jokes without credit. It would make me grit my teeth for eternity, and feel like a fraud. So if you see something familiar and it's not credited, in all likelihood I have no knowledge of it. And those who know me know my exposure to TV and social media these days is lim -> 0, so it's more than plausible. - (for those uninitiated, lim -> 0 is a mathematical descriptor of a function that, as it moves towards infinity, becomes so infinitesimally close to 0 that they're immeasurably, tho technically, different. of course, no matter how many adblockers I install, we live in an attention grabbing advertiser hellscape so unfortunately it will never quite be 0)

Thank you all for reading!!!