Navel Base

The Navel Base is what the TTC (yes, "the TTC" is an ATM machine style issue, and I don't care, I'm not going to try to fix it just to keep from pissing off the TTC) calls whatever the location of their main base of operations happens to be at that time; however, they are fairly decentralized and move around a lot depending on whose laws they broke last.

Now, the main feature of The Navel Base (TNB) is '0-|=RindCorpse+>' (pronounced Rind Corpse Plus). You can read more detail on it in another article in this section, but it's the central components of the WetWare they use to run WOTTANG (Will Of The Tangerine And Navel Guardian, pronounced Wott Tang), the pinnacle system used to talk to the sum form of tangerine sentience and to inform their strategy decisions.

Non-Fiction: What is WetWare?

WetWare is the real life science term for combination biological matter + computer hardware systems, such as rat brain cells in petri dishes playing pong with each other by using electric probes to talk to the game system hardware. Yes it's real, yes it's awesome, yes they couldn't have picked a more disgusting name at first glance, lol.

This might sound like a lot to keep in one place, but overall they are very redundant given how deep their paranoia runs; they have identical hardware everywhere they can, and where they can't they have a hierarchically tiered formula for backup systems from the most thorough to the most compact. The more remote the area, the more difficult it is to know the number and nature of the backups, because generally for those the secretive TTC was the one who managed and executed them entirely, whereas many of them were done by hacktivists for fun (you can see more about this process in another article).

The Navel Base also contains weapons. Lots of them, and all come standard engraved or stenciled with tangerine patterns.